I feel like I look angry all the time.
Many people feel that they may look angry or that they’re in a state of perpetual concentration. This is typically and quite simply corrected with a few Botox injections to the brow area and forehead.
I feel like I look tired all the time.
This typically is due to dark circles, bags, or sunken eyes. This can be corrected with a small amount of one of our dermal fillers.
I feel like my face has fallen.
This is due to loss of collagen and elastin, which keeps our face full and tight, and allows gravity to have its way with us. Botox, Dermal fillers alone or a Vampire Facelift will correct this with long lasting results.
I feel like my lips are too small and or are thinning.
With precise placement of a dermal filler, volume can instantly be restored and give you a more full and enhanced lip
I’m developing puppet lines around my mouth.
One of our dermal fillers can be placed into the smile lines and into the cheeks to help lift them away, restoring your youthful appearance.
How can I soften my skin and reduce the size of my pores?
Micro-needling treatments with luxurious serums or a Vampire facial will drastically improve your complexion and tone, while reducing pore size, giving you that glow you are looking for.
I’ve started to develop spider veins on my legs and I’m embarrassed to wear skirts.
A series of injections with Asclera will permanently remove these unsightly veins. Asclera is the only FDA approved medicine for the treatment of spider veins.
No matter how much I diet and exercise, I can’t get rid of my double chin.
Kybella treatments are the answer that permanently destroys the fat cells. Kybella is a a prescription medicine designed to permanently destroy fat cells in the submental area (double chin).
I don’t feel that my erection is what it once was and my sex life is suffering.
The P-Shot is the answer.
P-Shot is a vampire procedure for men using PRP to enhance erection, sensitivity and size.
I am not reaching climax and sex is becoming a chore.
The O-Shot is the answer.
O-Shot is a vampire procedure for women using PRP to stimulate orgasm, correct stress incontinence and dyspareunia (painful intercourse).
What can I expect after my procedure?
Most commonly there may be mild bruising or swelling that can last a few days. I take special care to avoid these issues, but they may occur. I not only use needles, but I also use a special soft, flexible, blunt tip cannula that drastically reduces the risk of bruising due to it’s inability to puncture small blood vessels under the skin.
If swelling develops after the procedure, using ice packs throughout the next 48 hours will help dramatically. Implementing a low salt diet and avoiding alcohol will help reduce swelling, as well. Another homeopathic remedy that may help reduce bruising is Arnica, an over the counter supplement.
I am happy to address any other of your questions or concerns at the time of your complimentary consultation.
And remember…
We are all aging and we may be pre-disposed to genetic changes that are out of our control. However, you can take control of your appearance and overall well being with a minimally invasive procedure that will have you looking as good as you feel.